Welcome to AMD Alliance, a sub-division of Farm War Alliance. Our alliance consists of two main clans for Townhall 12+, along with a feeder clan for dumping capital gold and practicing Capital Raids.

Our Clans




Our flagship clan with higher requirements

• Minimum 1K donate/received in a season.
• Must finish capital district you start.
• Minimum of 100 attacks per season and 50 at Midseason.
• Follow war plan and do your attacks accordingly.
• Use all your attacks when participating in clan capital raid.

Our flagship clan with higher requirements

Feeder clan for Capital Gold

• Minimum 300 donate/received in a season.
• Must finish capital district you start.
• Minimum of 30 attacks per season and 15 at Midseason.
• Follow war plan and do your attacks accordingly.
• Use all your attacks when participating in clan capital raid.

• Donate Capital Gold earned from other clans here.
• Practice Clan Capital attacks here if you cannot consistently take down districts with 2 attacks.
• Do not linger here. After you donate your Capital Gold here head back to your respective clan.

AMD Alliance in numbers

Why Choose Us?

Because we have requirements for activity you can be sure that your clan castles will be quickly filled. We are also competitive in capital raids which earns us a high amount of capital raid medals every week.

Frequently asked questions

How does CWL work?

We do what is called Lazy CWL. We have satellite clans that you join at the start of the season. Once CWL starts you return to your main clan and once sign-up is complete we will war as usual. This means you will use your FWA base the entire CWL.

What exactly is FWA?

The Farm War Alliance is a group of over 600+ (and climbing higher every day) clans whose primary goal is to match against each other in arranged wars. Our focus is to be able to harvest the free loot generated by the Clash system, easy stars and generous clan XP. This means you can play casually and have your heroes upgrading.

How are wins determined?

FWA has a unique points system that determines who takes the win between the two clans. To learn more visit here:

The join link takes me to discord. Is discord a requirement?

Yes. This makes managing the numerous people who are in our alliance much simpler. This is also a information center for things like announcements and update info.

I've been kicked out. Can I rejoin?

Depending on the reason for your kick you may or may not be eligible to rejoin. Reach out to a clan leader in discord to find out if you are eligible.

How do I learn more?

You can join our discord and ask any questions you might have. You can also find most of the answers to your questions here:

Copyright © 2025 AMD Alliance